Humbling experience

Not going to lie. This week has been humbling. I went from super elated, on top of the world, to crumbling at the bottom of the mountain. I have seen true colors from people I love, which has broken my heart. I give my all in anything I do. I support my friends and family in any decision or new adventure, even if I do not understand or agree with it/them. I still support them.

Now I have gotten support from so many and that warms my heart. I have a co-worker who has offered help which I will probably need and gladly take. I have gotten offers for coffee, hugs and more. I have a really good village, and I am so thankful for them. It will help me push through and make an amazing space for people to come to feel the kindness and love, as well as to help spread it with cool merch!

Proud of me

I am proud of me for trying something that I have dreamed about for a very long time. I have researched and designed and taken chances. I have failed a lot. This weeks failure was right out there in public. The old me would be super embarrassed and probably crying in a ball. Not this girl. This girl, is still super proud of herself. I worked hard to get the designs up and into a store, I just got a little excited and didn’t ensure all pieces came together. But it is my first time ever with a store, and with populating it to my website. I failed to see there was no check out button, because I failed to test. I have learned a lot of really good lessons this week. Lessons I have learned from and should not make again.

I may have to go with a different vendor but you know what. that is okay.

I am still trying.

I am still beating all of those people who come home and veg, watch tv, play games etc.

I am still working full time, with two kids home for the summer, needing me.

I am still the house keeper, house manager and more, and

I am working on side businesses that will bring us passive income while making a difference in this world.

I am doing this for my family but most importantly, for ME.

I am showing that little girl who used to draw out designs that she did it. She has her designs in the world, and is making more.

I can show my kids, it is okay to fail again and again as long as you keep trying.

I am still trying and it is public, so I will not fail.

I will make a difference in this world.

I will spread kindness and be in a place to bless others who need it.

I will be the change I want to see.

I will show my kids perseverance pays off.

I will show them how to spread kindness and be the change!

What have you failed at lately?

~Zen Mama Llama