Hiccups and Zen Mama Llama

We went live on the Zen Store, only to find out, we didn’t have a cart to hold items. I am having issues with that currently. Any developer friends who want to help, please do. I have hit the ceiling of intelligence in that room currently. I am actively trying to find a solution. Until then, you have to buy each item, one at a time. It’s free shipping, so not a huge deal but still super super annoying. Also annoying, because you can’t get to your cart/checkout, to see all the things you added. I added like $355 worth of stuff. I promise I will figure out a solution sooner than later.

Until then please accept my apologies for moving quickly, and not testing all the things. I would be so ashamed at work had I missed that. I now understand how my developers would miss testing at the end. They assumed it was correct, like I did. Oops. Lesson learned. Always test!

Update on Store:

Items can be purchased and that they are going to production, and being mailed. Orders have come in, YAY! It is exciting to see what everything looks like, so please give me your honest feedback, on the materials, how the graphics looked, if you want to see other merchandise. I want the good, the bad and the ugly, so that I can continue to improve and offer you better items. I will alert you when the cart is fixed! I would love you to purchase some items. I will also figure out a coupon for those of you who read this blog! I appreciate you!

How to find me (Zen Mama Llama) and my videos:

Please check out my daily videos on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Clapper, and Tiktok (same videos, just loaded everywhere so you can easily find your daily affirmations, and some fun videos ta boot! Please check me out on one of your favorite social media sites!

Linktree has most of my important links, I add to those often!