Zen Store Live take 2

Hi friends, the Zen Store is live again! You have a cart and check out page now! Yippee!

Prices did go up slightly, but it is because I did not account for shipping costs (all is included in price). I will continue to look for ways to decrease price.

I will be adding more designs and products this weekend so check back!

Thank you for supporting me. I cannot wait to be able to pay your kindness forward!

Anyone looking to start your own store or just order items check out Printify

Humbling experience

Not going to lie. This week has been humbling. I went from super elated, on top of the world, to crumbling at the bottom of the mountain. I have seen true colors from people I love, which has broken my heart. I give my all in anything I do. I support my friends and family in any decision or new adventure, even if I do not understand or agree with it/them. I still support them.

Now I have gotten support from so many and that warms my heart. I have a co-worker who has offered help which I will probably need and gladly take. I have gotten offers for coffee, hugs and more. I have a really good village, and I am so thankful for them. It will help me push through and make an amazing space for people to come to feel the kindness and love, as well as to help spread it with cool merch!

Proud of me

I am proud of me for trying something that I have dreamed about for a very long time. I have researched and designed and taken chances. I have failed a lot. This weeks failure was right out there in public. The old me would be super embarrassed and probably crying in a ball. Not this girl. This girl, is still super proud of herself. I worked hard to get the designs up and into a store, I just got a little excited and didn’t ensure all pieces came together. But it is my first time ever with a store, and with populating it to my website. I failed to see there was no check out button, because I failed to test. I have learned a lot of really good lessons this week. Lessons I have learned from and should not make again.

I may have to go with a different vendor but you know what. that is okay.

I am still trying.

I am still beating all of those people who come home and veg, watch tv, play games etc.

I am still working full time, with two kids home for the summer, needing me.

I am still the house keeper, house manager and more, and

I am working on side businesses that will bring us passive income while making a difference in this world.

I am doing this for my family but most importantly, for ME.

I am showing that little girl who used to draw out designs that she did it. She has her designs in the world, and is making more.

I can show my kids, it is okay to fail again and again as long as you keep trying.

I am still trying and it is public, so I will not fail.

I will make a difference in this world.

I will spread kindness and be in a place to bless others who need it.

I will be the change I want to see.

I will show my kids perseverance pays off.

I will show them how to spread kindness and be the change!

What have you failed at lately?

~Zen Mama Llama

Hiccups and Zen Mama Llama

We went live on the Zen Store, only to find out, we didn’t have a cart to hold items. I am having issues with that currently. Any developer friends who want to help, please do. I have hit the ceiling of intelligence in that room currently. I am actively trying to find a solution. Until then, you have to buy each item, one at a time. It’s free shipping, so not a huge deal but still super super annoying. Also annoying, because you can’t get to your cart/checkout, to see all the things you added. I added like $355 worth of stuff. I promise I will figure out a solution sooner than later.

Until then please accept my apologies for moving quickly, and not testing all the things. I would be so ashamed at work had I missed that. I now understand how my developers would miss testing at the end. They assumed it was correct, like I did. Oops. Lesson learned. Always test!

Update on Store:

Items can be purchased and that they are going to production, and being mailed. Orders have come in, YAY! It is exciting to see what everything looks like, so please give me your honest feedback, on the materials, how the graphics looked, if you want to see other merchandise. I want the good, the bad and the ugly, so that I can continue to improve and offer you better items. I will alert you when the cart is fixed! I would love you to purchase some items. I will also figure out a coupon for those of you who read this blog! I appreciate you!

How to find me (Zen Mama Llama) and my videos:

Please check out my daily videos on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Clapper, and Tiktok (same videos, just loaded everywhere so you can easily find your daily affirmations, and some fun videos ta boot! Please check me out on one of your favorite social media sites!

Linktree has most of my important links, I add to those often!

Zen Store is LIVE!

Y’all I have dreamed of this day for a very long time. When I created my Zen Mama Llama, LLC I didn’t know what exactly I wanted to do but I did know I wanted to spread kindness and help others. I’ve been a Life Coach for years, for my friends and sometimes strangers that become friends. I’ve helped my corporate job organize several departments. I can create best practices and audit how organized a business is. I can organize closets, houses, garages, and in the business world. I can design and paint. I can cheer people up with my humor (well some people. Others are not so much). But really I make it my mission to make others smile. I love making a grumpy person smile.

I combined all my loves and a now designing fun things for you to wear, or have that will make you and others smile. Help me with spread kindness like confetti by just being you, and my merch. Please and thank you!

I couldn’t have done this without all the love and support y’all have given me. I love your messages and the interaction! Especially those of you that have kept me pushing forward.

My first step was creating journals on Amazon through their self publishing under author, Zen Mama Llama. They are not perfect, but i got published. Publishing a book has been a dream of mine. I’m currently working on my breast cancer journey book. In the mean time, I designed journals for others to write in to follow their dreams. I’ll be publishing more, and looking for a different vendor.
That led me to wanting to design shirts. I contact Amazon, applied for their merchandiser sign up. I almost gave up when Amazon denied me access as a merchandiser. I cried, then I found printify who feeds into my website, which isn’t perfect, but it’s mine.

Now I can share my designs with you in my Zen Store: https://zenmamallama.com/zen-store/

I am constantly designing new items so check back often. Also I’m just starting out, so understand that with the pricing. I’ve tried to pick out vendors with good quality items and the cheapest shipping possible!

Thank you for checking me out, and helping me spread kindness like confetti,

~Zen Mama Llama

It’s been awhile

Y’all I stink some days at blogging. I’m good at vlogging but blogging has become cumbersome. Which takes the fun out of it. I do videos daily and will try to incorporate them into here.

I’ve been designing journals to sell on Amazon (Search “zen mama llama) and the books should come up. Two some of the print fuzzed but the 3rd one should be pretty good… I’m trying to load my color one but Amazon publishing is giving me issues. They also denied me from selling T-shirt’s; how rude!

no really, how rude. They didn’t even look at my designs. So now I have to find a printer and a sale point. Once I get that I should be able to sell from this site. So I guess blogging will become a priority even it’s to drop my latest video.

make sure you subscribe, like, follow, etc anytime you see Zen Mama Llama. I’m going to do my best at keeping the social media accounts up to date

Thank you for following me and for helping me spread smiles and kindness around the world! Appreciate all of you!

How can we spread kindness on a larger scale?