It’s that time of year again

It’s that time of year again. The time when my diagnosis rears its ugly head. Often times with others sharing reoccurrence or mets.. mine can only come back as mets.. not a fact I forget often. No I hold that one in sight at all times. It’s a thin veil that only I can see. It’s there taunting me. Telling me no matter how or what I eat. No matter how natural or what treatment I do, it is there reminding me I am not longer invincible like my inner Little Jamie thought, and still does.

Oh no my body hurts more now. Aches and pains from all the abuse I put it through as a kid. Making me feel older than I am, yet I still feel so young. I supposed the kids do that. When you have kids late in life, you cannot slow down like your body wants too. No, n, no, you must continue on. You must be that pink power ranger and jump through portals. Cancer will not steal that away..

Not today cancer not today. Today I will move my body and believe I am healthy and able to move. Today I will go horse back riding and make my inner little Jamie so very happy. Not today cancer. Not today.

How do you feel today?